neway after basketball trainning,i went to wendee's house to meet up with ryl n dy..then i bathed...we need to be ready by 6.30 coz ming hui they all coming tat time..late comers will be punished..haha..neway actually i brought a normal polo-t to wear coz i eventually didnt noe where r we going to when i came out of the toilet,ryl told me to changed into another top..both of them are wearing i had to try that whote top on..wendee's top are all like small kids outfit
it was kind of small for me..the top is to they had to choose another top for me..i had to wear the pink top...aikss...felt weird though..hehe..going out for dinner wearing kind off sexy..hehe...neway we waited for ming hui they all for like 20 minutes..while waiting,ryl asked wai hong to buy lok lok for her to eat..hehe...neway before that,i was looking at the map..coz only i noe the way to jalan ipoh..i called my mum to ask her the way to sentul...neway,at 7 we started our journey there...
we took around 40-45minto reach..we found the place!!!yeah...actualy we all quite geng la!!haha..we as in me n ryl ryl..muahaha....n bit of help from khong hern n wendee la...hehe..
while we were waiting for ming hui n all..
the 4 of us!!!
wendee n i with the birthday gal..ker lei lee!!
1 of the card n the present4 her..
this is how the card looks like in the ws from ryl ryl..
this is wendee's nicest card EVER!!
udang ryl ryl n khong hern!!
me n ryl ryl..
me,ryl ryl khong hern n jaric..
prawny n lai sit yee n "huang lao shi"..
khong hern n ryl ryl..
haha..jaric apa style??(he kept eating ming hui's fries!!)
ming hui:"yum yum...finally!!!"
hehe..ryl ryl requested lei lei to feed her the chicken meat..coz she didnt wan to dirty her hands!!
my has rendang beef,chicken wings..i gave lei lei all my rendang beef coz i dun like the taste!!!
ryl ryl's n wendee's dish...fried rice!!
ok every1..this is the pillow sewed by wendee as a present for lei lei lo..
miss cat n baby lei..
lei n i..
ryl ryl n birthday gal..
haha...all of us...
ok..this is part of the restaurant..just let u guys see see k?it was not a bad place actually..unique..there are big tress...customers can choose to sit under the trees or be like us..sit on the look-like-rumah-papan was really's few pictures...
the bar..
this is where we sat..hehe..there's water under us..
there's a small pond under us with fishes..
us AGAIN...aha...
ryl ryl n wendee....both look pretty in this picture!!
the 3 guys...
the gals..
they look like a couple rite..
jaric n wendee..
ryl ryl n udang..
erm actually u guys can consider la..haha..sinca all oso single..
ok..ming hui is trying to tell that his hand can hold 2 GALS..
Naili' i noe the name of the restaurant..
below are some "things" they use for decorations
oh this is my favourite part..haha...this is a cat..i saw this cat lying on the i told ryl ryl..hey y dun u ask wendy to go there n take picture la..haha..see wat is her reaction..haha..then ryl ryl really asked wendee to go there n take pic..the ryl ryl pointed to the cat..wendy's first reaction was....................................ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! SUper loud!!!!haha...all of us were like laughing our hearts out!!!haha....cute la...then we paid the bill...went into the car to go to eye on malaysia...
ok...we tried our best to go there..but ended up we got lost....haiz....went around kl for quite long..then we finally stopped at a petrol station..asked those plp there.."xun bian" buy "cakes" for lei lei..haha...while jaric,kh,n wendee went down n ask/buy..i sms-ed my "jiu xing"..hehe...i asked her how to go..but ended up kena marah a bit..hehe...wendee all ask y so garang wan..haha..i oso cannot fight wor..hehe..neway while we got lost..i saw rumah BP=baden powell's rumah..i told ming hui..he said this to me" SCOUT FREAK!!"...ISH ISH!!!!neway my "jiu xing" ask us to go back to jln we had to go back to jalan kucing..then go from there...coz only from there i/her noe how to go..neway jaric offered to drive my car half way coz i was talking on the hp.cant drive properly..hehe..neway the whole journey..jaric n i were saying "f**K"..really damn alot of time..haha..tension ma...neway we reached eye on malaysia safe n here's some pictures..
ok~~u guys might be wondering wat r we going..neway let me tell u guys...when we reached..after lei lei n ryl ryl finish taking pictures..we went to the counter there..the man told us......."tutup!!!"...walao...@@##$%#@$...damn pissed!!!got lost n stuff..when we finally found it..they tell us "tutup!!"...@#$%#@#$...
so jaric n ming hui gave the eye on malaysia a 3rd figer..mine..u guys figure it out..haha...
then we had no choice but to sit sum where to sing b'day song to lei lei..this is 1 of the cake they bought..
the other cake..with a "candle" on top of it...
tada!!!hehe..although there was no yummy cake/appropriate cake for her..but look at her smile..she was touched n happy too...i thk coz she felt all of our efford n thoughts...wahaha..
closing her ears coz we were quite loud...
make a wish..make a wish..hehe...
then she had to jilat the "candle"..just imagine that it's a cake full of candle!!!!
oh...another interesting thing happened here..ming hui brought his video he recorded us singing b'day song..i was i asked ryl ryl to kacau ryl suddenly shouted..wendy!!dun move!!!she was stunned.haha...screaming too...ming hui recorded the whole screamign cute n funny lasted for few minutes!!!!hahahaha....then after that we all headed back to our home..udang sent all of them back..he was damn tired...hehe..neway hope that lei had a GREAT day ya...hehe..
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