Today we went celebrating wendy’s birthday at T.G.I Fridays..Me,Cheryl,Lei and khong hern went earlier to prepare everything.We went ik copy center to laminate the birthday cards for miss wendy..Hade made de o..!!!haha..(khong hern added those flowers hor..really not nice la!!!!) then bought cake and send it to T.G.I Friday then went to her place to meet up with the rest..All the way, we blind folded Wendy with Meng Jin’s shirt..haha..Wendy was complaining the whole journey!!After that,v brought her to T.G.I Friday with our hands closing her eyes..hehe..She was struggling to see where we are taking her..I think she agak-agak know where we are taking her..hehe..She love to think a lot wan..hehe!!Then like normal,we ate our lunch..I shared with Wendy..All of us ate happily lo..!!haha.. After that, the people in T.G.I brought the pudding to wendy..(we purposely bought puddings to kacau her!)then when she closed her eyes to make wishes..the real cake appeared as she opens her eyes!!!i hope that she was surprise!!hehe..Then after that..Wendy(as usual) came up with the idea of saying what we want to say to each other..starting from Meng jin… At first everything was like okok..then when its my turn to say things about Lei..i felt like I am really going to not see her anymore..felt damn sad but I didn’t cry.hehe..tahan ma..That time wendy cried..i dunno y..but I think is after I told her that I will be going Russia next March..then Cheryl saw Wendy crying..she oso cannot tahan..hehe..
Then when its time to talk about Cheryl..walau..can feel that the heart really damn pain is like I am really leaving le..the gan jue got stronger..hehe..then when it is time to talk about ming hui..i was really about to cry..erm..hard to tahan the feelings le…tahan so long le..but I still keep it to myself..jaga muka eyes really red red le..but I cover cover lo..haha…Then I told wilsen that v be frens forever..hehe..Cheryl n wendy they all all laugh leh..i oso dunno why they laugh lo!!!erm erm and and I even advised him to ask khong hern if he dunno how to do..n even asked him to da geoh soon’s fei ji if he feels stressed..walau I said the wrong thing then every1 laugh!!what I meant was play the fei ji in geoh soon’s hp!!!!!u guys dirty minded!!!then when it is geoh soon’s turn..i really cannot tahan le..Ming Hui cried when he talked to geoh soon..really touching la wei..didnt expect that he would cry..CAN u imagine prawn crying??!!!!haha…that time I really got tears le..i cried damn a lot when its my turn to say something to geoh soon le....the 3 words which I hate saying..i said to him.. “dui bu qi”..didnt expect that I said that lo..haiyo I cried so much..Actually I cried coz I’ve been controlling the tears .then when its time for me to say something to geoh tears just came down..its the tears of all those before him also..hehe..haiyo.. I dun really remembered what he said but Cheryl told me that he said it’s ok..didnt got baby then its fine wor..haha..lik duh!!!
Then following de..its Wendy’s turn..When Lei and Cheryl talked..when they said what they want to say..they cried..i can also feel the pain lo..tears kept flowing down from the eyes of the 4,Cheryl n wendy…really like bu she de..we cried everytime any1 of us talk gan chu..
Then its my turn..i was really touched when Lei said that she will always remember what I’ve said to her lo..n I’m glad that she is slowly taking her steps towards the Lord…~~touching~~then its cheryl’s turn…I was super super gan dong with what she said..i cried coz I felt so sum tong n gan dong lo..haiyo..she asked me to stay in Malaysia..dun go Russia..she even said that she missed my smell when she was in Japan n she will miss my smell if I go..wendy pula came near me to smell..)aduh!!!!haiyo..hehe….hehe..I was really really damn gan dong with what she said..Then Ming hui pula..he sang “baby bu yao zai ku qi”aduhai..super gan dong also..hehe…but dunno why he talked to me in English…felt weird…hehe…then its what every1 thought..he biao bai..but he said he knew that we cannot be he eccepted that we become frens forever..hehe..then Geoh soon..he said I’m not xian shi o..actually its just when I see lee hom la..n some hot guys..but actually I’m agak realistic la..i like to day dream only!!!ish ish..REALLY!!!!ish..Geoh soon..u got me wrong le!!!! hehe..then its Wendy’s turn..haiyo..she also made me so so touched also.. then its khong hern’s turn..hehe…I didn’t expect that he cried when he said those things to all of us!!!Khong hern…hehe..then its our turn to say something to khong hern..haha..super damn sa also as I might not see him lo..i cried le when i talked to him but no 1 noticed coz every1 was busy paying..haha..i asked him to really must wear nice nice during prom coz it can be counted as the last day,,n even once in a life time lo..he said ok le!!!so he is going to wear contact lenses!!!haha….then we paid n we took pictures of our hands on each other..then we shouted “you yi wan shui!!!”mmm…
Every1 chao -ed..cheryl gan shi jian so meng jin sent her..i sent subang plp back.haha..but I need to like drop wendy at summit as “I yen” gang is there v tipu her that v r going to yum cha,,haha.mana tau my sister sms me..asked me what time am I reaching..walau..the I asked khong hern to sms my sister tell her that I’m sending my frens bac..i totaolly forgotten that wendy was in my I ried my best to cover cover wei!!haha..phew!!!
When we reached..v ran out of ideas to ask her to walk in there alone..n her phone pula rosak so v scared that if v just leave her there..she cannot contact we asked her to go out to the dunno what wasabi shop or what coz got plp waiting for her lo..haha…I know she will be super happy cause tat gang celebrating with just now in parade sh said she was agak sad coz that gang not crlrbrating with her..hehe..Wendy..know u super happy ya!!
The journey back to lei’s house was super jamm..hehe..but v enjoyed every moment lo..Lei even asked me to on “wo men de ge”..hehe..but ke xi Cheryl n wendy were not in my car o..haha…On the way to ss15, a car suddenly just overtook my car then emergency break because he wanted to turn left..I , of cause also press the emergency usual..trying to protect the pesdon beside me..hehe..KHONG HERN..tot that he will be alittle shock or Cheryl..haha..but he dodnt..he even calmly said its ok..erm ..i remembered grabbing his arm super hard!!hehe.. when I reached his apartment, he then, before he stepped out of my car..he said ok the last second I’m in ur car..haiyo..i was sad le..hehe..its really like its the last time I’m sending them back home lo!!!mmm..sob sob..then I chao back to my house..the journey was damn jamm..walau!!!
I really hope that everything can stay as the way it is..why must we separate?? I know is it part of life but getting to know each other,getting closer n separating ..all happens in a year is quite unbearable,...
But reality is reality..Everyone deserved a chance to achive their dreams..Maybe 1 day we will be able to gather like that..every1 sitting around the table n talk like now..we will never know what will happen in the future..hehe..Khong hern said that every1 must invite each other when anyone of us get married..haha..i think every1 should lo..hehe..n we must remember to really have a blog 4 IMU gang..we must at least write down things that happen between is a way to keep in touch..we must really go 4 a trip together!!!Steven!!kao sai u la!!!
Finally..i really do had fun today..hehe..i hope that wendy had a GReAT TIME!!Love u guys!!
Cheryl: Gal..remember ya..ned xing fu then find me k?? call ming hui to pick u up to go to xing fu ya..if he is not free..haha..then xing fu will go to u..pick u up n bring u to ur xing meaningful la!!!haha..jia you ya k??
Wendy: Pung pung gal..hope that u had a great day today ya..happy birthday k??take care n I’ll always miss u..haha…remember sambil wait sambil…hehe…!!btw,I didn’t noe u like me saying the f word..haha!!!
Lei Lei: sekabut!!! U r not left out ya..pai she la if I gave u the feeling that I care more about Cheryl or wendy..haha..actually ur “di wei” in my heart oso damn high de lo!!hehe..take care ya..if wanna go cg..give me a call!!hope I can always see u in cg!!!
Geoh soon..Jia you la k??if u cannot be as close as last time with me..then dun force urself la ya..hope that u really will find xing fu!!hehe..jia you ya!!be a dentist k??Then all of us can get discount… carefully also!!!
Ming Hui: Prawn..kiss goodbye will always be ur song ni bu zai is jaric’s song!!haha..neway really quite sad that I knew u late but its least I knew u lo!!haha..thanks to my u terpaksa celebrate with the others with me..haha but if not 4 my birthday..v also wont be as close rite??take care k??really must keep in touch with all of us..please reply sms la k??n msn..get a friendster too!!!!hehe..
Meng jin: Dude!!haha..i am quite de la!!hehe..only sometimes I am hyper.. neway really happy to know u also ya..dun worry about the car,..haha..all u have to do to pay back is to paste my name on ur exam paper..that’s all!!haha..joking la…hehe..u super farny la!!!cute fella!!
Khong Hern: wei remember wear shuai shuai k??as u promise ya!!!!wear contact lens also!! hehe…n n..cannot dance with me or Cheryl first..but actually if dance with me first I dun mind la!!haha…I noe u will be a damn good pharmacist de!!!keep in touch k??really makin I know u makin I think u r shuai!!hehe..take care..
Wil sen: hei!! peng you…Really if dunno anything can ask khong hern o.hehe…dun stressed up!!!Always remember Him to worship him..that’s the main purpose of studying!!!God bless..keep in touch!!!melissa:budak!!haiya always say i mou liong sam wan..hehe..will never forget u la!!!love u always!!!haha..see u in imu k??if tat skool wans me in there!!haha..sure go shop shop n movie movie .. drink drink!!call me!!All the best gal!!
I think the last day might be during Cheryl’s birthday ba..or maybe new year’s countdown..dunno..but we still not yet hug each other must meet up n gather again ya!!!haha…take care lo..Muakss!!muakss!!!
p/s:khong hern took my didnt manage to upload other pictures..hehe..later ya..tHE Cake 4 miss Wendy!!!!she added "IMU"!!(i miss u )=our group's name!!hehe..
Always stay united!!IMU!!
I made 4 wendy da card.."edited" by low khong hern!!ish ish!!

ok~~Dang dang boy n Dr Chua..errhem!!walau!!!
Cards that all of us made 4 miss pung pung!!aka